Extractive Industries Ireland
A Health and Safety Conference and Exhibition for the Mining, Quarrying and Construction Products Industries
26th of September 2018 - Dorans Pit, Blessington County Wicklow
The Health and Safety Authority in partnership with HSENI, the Irish Mining and Quarrying Society and the Irish Concrete Federation are holding the Bi-Annual Extractive Industries Ireland Health and Safety Conference and Exhibition at Doran's Pit, Blessington, Co Wicklow on the 26th of September 2018.
As this will be held at an outdoor venue there will be a large Marquee where expert speakers will deliver messages about best practice in the extractive industries, the use of state of the art technology, and how to take care of your most valuable asset -your employees.
There will also be a number of large exhibition and demonstration areas at the event and exhibitors will have the facility to make live demonstrations of equipment throughout the day.
Presentations will run between 10:00 and 12:00 and in the afternoon from 2:0 p.m. till 4:00p.m. - The exhibition area will be open 9-6.
The delegate fee is €50 and this includes morning refreshments and lunch. For group bookings or to pay by bank transfer contact the IMQS at info@imqs.ie
The Flyer can be accessed here , The program of events can be accessed here. Book on the link below or go to the IMQS Payment Page